Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2021 arrow February 2021

Online-Quick Top Age 50 and Over February 2021

1Tarjan, James Edward (10991820)68ORUSA2230
2Marcelino, William (12423786)60VAUSA2037
3Johnson, Joel F (10009596)65AZUSA1970
4Shapiro, Daniel E (10094879)65NYUSA1968
5Rohde, Michael A (10047871)61NYUSA1931
6Winslow, Elliott (10363365)68CAUSA1907
7Saguisag, Precioso (12449308)77CAUSA1841
8Faust, Jeffrey S (12277560)56PAUSA1839
9Dolgitser, Konstantin (12404173)63NYUSA1828
10Nichols, Anthony Thomas (12753902)50MIUSA1824
11Ruiz, Jorge C (15185197)53NJUSA1800
12Barnakov, Yury Anatolievich (12964843)54ALUSA1790
13Camarda, Kyle (12399769)52KSUSA1783
14Gutnik, Aleksandr (16911191)66NYUSA1777
15Jacobs, Charles A (12746276)68AKUSA1775
16Kochman, David M (10032059)65NHUSA1749
17Zilbermintz, Lev (12476202)54NJUSA1715
18Rader, Robert J (10062039)76NJUSA1714
19Coffey, John Richard (11080847)60INUSA1703
20Sciacca, Patrick (11235611)57NCUSA1636
21Giovannetti, Mark J (12439853)61FLUSA1625
22Carey, Michael P (10120560)63RIUSA1604
23Chase, Todd S (12414355)60MAUSA1594
24Polyakin, Vladimir (12287160)75NYUSA1570
25Del Rosario, Frisco (10987792)57CAUSA1559
26Apper, Kevin A (12480458)71LAUSA1497
27Ho, Michael S (12056430)53CAUSA1490
28Cox, Michael K. (12234690)68PAUSA1450
29West, Darryl L (12537405)57TXUSA1418
30Coffee, Terence (10105358)75MDUSA1417
31Campers, Willie (12718130)73CAUSA1400
32Hall, Gregory K (10210640)63NCUSA1396
33Katz, Stewart (12458563)65CAUSA1376
34Sackey, Joseph Ricardo (12481105)68PAUSA1256
35Demarest, Harry (12534499)74ORUSA1234
36Bell, Daniel (10157609)61PAUSA1155
37Otterbach, Renate (14565208)65CAUSA1124
38Stuckert, Elena (16380966)51TXUSA1118
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
